Our all organic gun wax is the perfect formula for hunters, enthusiasts, or your everyday gun owner. It provides a protective carnauba coat usually reserved for automobiles. It also has a high gloss tone with organic oils to keep your firearm looking shiny and new. This is especially good for hunters that often have their rifles out in the elements. This wax is specially formulated for guns and is a new take on a outdated gun wax industry model. No petroleum distillates used in our wax, so is safe for all gun componets.
It is also non scented and doesn't have the strong petroleum smell most wax has. Makes it ideal for hunters. This is real wax, not chemicals. To applicate dig in the can to bring out the wax paste and apply very liberally. Rub the wax in and buff off. Again it is made with the highest quality and the hardest wax available so it will be a different experience using than what your most likely use to. On that note, once applied you will have the a much better protection and shine than what you are used to also. Wax comes in a large 8oz tub. Made in America right here in the great state of Texas.
York's Organic Gun Wax
Made with tier 1 carnuaba, beeswax, soy wax, and the best premium oils in the world. All sourced from american businesses right down to the labels and containers.
★Prevents rusting
★Provides Water Proofing
★Gives luster to any surface including but not limited to polymer, blued, wood, cerakote, stainless finishes.
★Scent free, the only real non smelly wax on the market. (great for hunters)
★Protects against water and humidity
★Made in small batches in America ★Great on all gun components ★Great on Bow String and Bows
★Great for protecting your concealed carry and makes it easier to holster.